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Alocasia AKA: Elephant Ear


Watering: The soil must be damp but not waterlogged. Soaking the soil and letting it dry is a commonwatering practice. However, this does not work for the Alocasia. They require minimal waterbut at regular intervals. Allow 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry out before watering to keep soil evenly hydrated. Moist leaves, wet soil, and overwatering put youtr Alocasia in danger of fungal infestation. Reduce watering throughout the cooler months,especially during the winter, as this is your plant's dormant time.


Light: The lighting requirements for your Alocasia are rather specialized. They require six to eight hours of strong sunshine every day, but no direct sunlight. This plant will not thrive in dark or gloomy environments. Therefore, finding the correct balance is critical. Move your Alocasia to a position with partial shade or behind thin curtainsif the sun is too intense. This is particularly crucial in the summer. Excessive exposure to intense sunlight is sometimes indicated by alocasias with signed or brown foliage. Alocasias grown in areas with enough illumination, on the other hand, can grow quicker and produce bolder , more brillant leaves.



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  • Alocasia AKA: Elephant Ear

    Soil: The ideal soil for your Alocasia plant is a well-aerated organic, loose soil with a good proportion of peat moss. Adding a layer of builder's sand or perlite to thick soil will help. Houseplant soil, peat moss, and perlite in equal quantities, make a perfect potting mix. This should allow the soil to retain just enough moisture while also allowing for good drainage. 

    Temperature: You will need a lot of humidity. Levels of 50-60 percent to thrive inside. However, if the air in your home is excessively dry, utilize a humidifier to provide moisture. Keep your plant warm, particularly throughout the winter. Avoid placing your Alocasia near an air conditioner and keep it away from drafts. Warm temperatures between 60-80 degrees fahrenheit are ideal.

    Pruning: While pruning isnt required, it might help to promote new growth. To allow your Alocasia time to recuperate, prune it nthe Spring or early Summer . Use clean, sharp scissors while pruning. Remove any leaves that have turned yellow or are beginning to show spots. A fungal infection can be identified by brown or black blotcheson your plant. To prevent the virus from spreading further, prune diseased leaves as soon as possible.

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